The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression


Add to My Calendar Thursday, May 23, 2024 12:00pm to 1:00pm


The People’s Academy of International Law, sponsored by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the Center for Constitutional Rights, seeks to help progressive and anti-imperialist lawyers and human rights defenders to marshal the tools of international law to support people’s struggles around the world. It features a free, online continuing legal education curriculum that provides intensive lessons on different facets of international law as it relates to human rights,  from civil and political rights to economic, social, and cultural rights.

Thursday, May 23, from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m., join Course 4A of the People’s Academy of International Law: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression.

Faculty for Course 4A:

Maria LaHood, Deputy Legal Director, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York; founding board member, Palestine Legal

Edre U. Olalia, chairperson, National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers, Philippines; Transitional President, International Association of Democratic Lawyers

Ş. Ceren Uysal, executive board member, Progressive Lawyers Association of Turkey; co-secretary general, European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights

Steven Donziger, lawyer and climate activist; helped Amazon communities in Ecuador win $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron (largest environmental judgment in history)

The program will be moderated by Marjorie Cohn, Dean of the People’s Academy of International Law.

Register on the People’s Academy website


Last modified 

May 24, 2024