The Closing of the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockages, and Economic Coercive Measures


Add to My Calendar Friday, September 29, 2023 5:30pm to Saturday, September 30, 2023 5:00pm


The People's Forum
320 West 37th Street
New York, NY 10018

Center for Constitutional Rights Deputy Legal Director Maria LaHood will join the panel of jurors issuing their verdict in the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockages, and Economic Coercive Measures. This two-day event concludes nine months of powerful international hearings on sanctions and economic coercive measures and lays the groundwork to continue the international movement to abolish sanctions regimes.

People’s Tribunal. A brown hand breaking free of a chain, circled by two white doves, against a yellow background

The People’s Forum will host dinner and a plenary on Friday, September 29, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. and a full day of panels, lunch, and the jury’s verdict on Saturday, September 30, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Special rapporteurs will present comprehensive reports, and political activists, scholars, and organizers will provide insights. Speakers include Venezuelan Vice Minister Carlos Ron, Elias Amare of Horn of Africa TV, Khaled Barakat of Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report, Pierre Labossiere of Haiti Action Committee, University of Tehran Professor Mohammad Marandi, CUNY Professor Jeannette Graulau, and more.

Register to attend on the People's Forum website. The events will also be livestreamed.

Last modified 

September 27, 2023