Center for Constitutional Rights to State Dept: U.S. Must Be Constructive At UN's Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises

After many years of quietly providing background support to the EU and other northern states that have actively worked to prevent other United Nations member states from developing an international treaty to address corporate-related human rights abuses, the United States seemingly will now engage directly next week in the 7th annual session of the UN intergovernmental working group that has a mandate to develop this treaty. 

It is concerning that the Biden administration may publicly call for UN member states to direct their attention away from the this UN process, in favor of some other—currently unknown and undefined—approach backed by northern states. Such an approach would be rightly viewed as nothing more than an attempt to undermine the UN process to protect the interests of U.S. corporations.  Furthermore, this approach would be a real threat to the historic work of communities across the world who have resisted and survived the most egregious corporate-related human rights abuses and successfully fought to establish this intergovernmental mandate through the passage of UN Human Rights Council Resolution 26/9 in 2014.
Click the image below for access to the full letter the Center for Constitutional Rights sent to the State Department.


Last modified 

October 22, 2021