Abusive Immigration Practices

CCR Legal Director Baher Azmy will participate on a panel, Human Rights After Trump: Survival and Resistance , at this year’s International Law Weekend (ILW), presented by the American Branch of the...
Diala Shamas
Diala Shamas is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on challenging government and law enforcement abuses perpetrated under the guise of national security...
August 30, 2017
The racist ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio, recently pardoned by his friend Donald Trump, is a despicable human being. He has proudly called his outdoor “tent city” jails “concentration camps”, and his police...
Fordham Law alumnus Angelo Guisado ’12, along with two of his fellow attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights , earlier this month filed a lawsuit accusing U.S. border agents of...
