Strengthening International Law

Center for Constitutional Rights attorneys, Gita Gutierrez and Shayana Kadidal, represented lawyers for Guantánamo detainees before Judge Hogan, who ordered government lawyers to speed up the process...
The US Supreme Court granted detainees in the detention camp in Guantánamo Bay the legal right to challenge their detention in the Center for Constitutional Rights' case, Boumediene v. Bush. You can...
The 5-4 ruling by the US Supreme Court in the Center for Constitutional Rights' case Boumediene v. Bush that the US Constitution permits detainees in Guantánamo Bay to challenge their detentions is...
The Supreme Court ruled in the Center for Constitutional Rights' case Boumediene v. Bush that foreign prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay may challenge their detention in front of a federal judge, going...
Detainees in Guantánamo Bay will have access to a federal court to challenge their detention, according to a Supreme Court ruling in the Center for Constitutional Rights' case. Many are expected to...
Supreme Court ruling in the Center for Constitutional Rights' case upholds detainee rights and eliminates the main reason for putting foreign prisoners in the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba...
