
Darius Charney on NY1
September 19, 2017
Last week, the NYPD released, for the first time, body camera video of a shooting. But what is the policy going forward, and when will the public be able to see more footage? NY1 Political Reporter...
Stephanie Llanes at the #Cville2DC march
September 8, 2017
Mic's Aaron Morrison spoke to participants in #CVille2DC about their motivations and hopes for the future.
September 6, 2017
About 800,000 young people in the United States are now in legal limbo. President Donald Trump has scrapped an immigration programme introduced by his predecessor, Barack Obama , known as DACA - or...
June 29, 2017
CCR Bertha Justice Fellow Noor Zafar discusses the Trump administration's Muslim Ban on with Martine Dennis on Al Jazeera. Trouble seeing the video? Watch it on YouTube here .
June 29, 2017
What the Supreme Court's Muslim Ban Could Look Like from Rising Up With Sonali on Vimeo .
June 27, 2017
The U.S. Supreme Court has announced it will allow for the partial implementation of President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries while the court examines...
June 27, 2017
The U.S. Supreme Court has announced it will allow for the partial implementation of President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries while the court examines...
CCR's Shayana Kadidal on Democracy Now
June 9, 2017
Fired FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday that President Trump tried to derail an investigation into National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s links to Russia, and accused Trump of lying...
Shayana Kadidal on Democracy Now
June 5, 2017
Is the Trump administration attempting to erase history? On Friday, congressional officials confirmed the administration has begun returning to Congress copies of the Senate’s explosive 2014 report...
Vince Warren
May 10, 2017
CCR Executive Director Vince Warren joins All In With Chris Hayes to discuss whether we are headed for a constitutional crisis following President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey.


Last modified 

April 9, 2015