Race, Social Control, and Punishment in the United States


Add to My Calendar Friday, February 10, 2017 2:00pm to 3:45pm


UCLA Campus
280 Charles E Young Dr N
Los Angeles, CA 90095

CCR Senior Staff Attorney Rachel Meeropol will speak alongside a distinguished panel of experts about race, social control, and punishment in the U.S. The panel will be part of a daylong symposium titled, "Damaging Minds and Bodies: Trauma, Violence and the Criminal Justice System," organized by Repair.

For more information about additional panels and to register online, visit the conference website.

This symposium is cosponsored by the Youth and Justice Clinic at the UCLA School of Law, the UCLA American Indian Studies Center, the UCLA Disability Studies Program, and the National Association of Social Workers - USC Unit.

Last modified 

February 7, 2017