June 26, 2008, New York and Washington, DC —The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must no longer be allowed to use classification arguments in its attempts to prevent the disclosure of illegal or...
June 3, 2008, New York – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released two reports on the conditions and treatment of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. One report highlights numerous...
May 19, 2008, New York, NY – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) served a subpoena on the RAND Corporation as part of CCR’s racial profiling lawsuit against the New York City Police...
May 19, 2008, New York, NY – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) requested hearings on a new federal database that would require the collection of millions of new DNA samples and keep...
May 16, 2008, MIAMI and MONTPELIER, Vt. - The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), along with American Civil Liberties Union affiliates in Florida, Vermont and Massachusetts, today filed a joint...
May 13, 2008, New York – Center for Constitutional Rights attorneys learned last night that Military Commission charges against their client, Mohammed al Qahtani, were dropped. He had originally been...
Los Angeles, California, May 5, 2008 – New torture claims have been leveled at two U.S. military contractors by a former Abu Ghraib “ghost” detainee who was wrongly imprisoned and later released...
May 7, 2008, New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) supports the New York Civil Liberties Union’s decision to join in the fight to end racial profiling and illegal stop-and-frisk...