Trump Administration Agrees to Terms in First Amendment Suit Days Before Election October 28, 2020 , Burlington, VT – In a settlement to a major federal lawsuit, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (...
ICE Documents Obtained Under Freedom of Information Act Show Surveillance and Targeting of Sanctuary Leaders October 22, 2020, New York – Today, immigrant rights groups released documents obtained...
Judge Coney Barrett Will Satisfy and Entrench the Retrograde Trump Coalition “Supreme Court Not a Reliable Source of Justice” September 23, 2020, New York – In response to Donald Trump’s nomination...
In response to the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: The entire Center for Constitutional Rights family mourns...
September 2, 2020, New York –In response to the Trump administration’s designation, announced today by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor...
Crafting Laws in Secret With Corporations and Conservative Activists Violates Open Meetings Law, Lawsuit Says September 1, 2020, Phoenix, AZ – Today, attorneys representing leaders from Arizona’s...
Current Escalations Tied to Past Failure to Hold Agencies Accountable for Abuses July 20, 2020, New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement in response to recent...
Formosa Taking Emergency Appeal to Stop Prayer Event Community Members Previously Threatened With Arrest for Visiting Ancestors’ Graves June 18, 2020, Convent, Louisiana – Today, Judge Emile R. St...
June 15, 2020, New York – In response to today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Aimee Stephens , the Center...
June 12, 2020, New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights issued the statement below in response to the Trump administration's change to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act today. The Center...