WASHINGTON, March 27 /PRNewswire/ -- A group of injured civilians and families of Iraqis killed in two unprovoked shootings in Baghdad by Blackwater “shooters” sued the company and founder Erik...
WASHINGTON, March 19 /PRNewswire/ -- A Virginia federal court ruled Wednesday that four former Abu Ghraib detainees who were tortured and later released without charge can sue U.S. military...
March 13, 2009, New York – In response to this afternoon’s government filing in multiple Guantánamo cases, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) issued the following statement...
On Capitol Hill, debate has begun over forming a truth commission to shed light on the Bush administration’s secret polices on detention, interrogation and domestic spying. A hearing on the issue was...
February 23, 2009, New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released a report on the current conditions in Camps 5, 6, and Echo following the press conference today of Adm. Patrick M...
Download CCR's report on current Guantanamo conditions . After over seven years of unlawful executive detention, the approximately 240 men who remain imprisoned at the U.S. Naval Base at Guant...
February 12, 2009, New York – In a USA Today Gallup poll released today, two-thirds of Americans say they want investigations into the role of Bush administration officials in torture and...
February 12, 2009, New York and Washington, DC— Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit confirm Department of Defense involvement in the CIA’s ghost detention program,...
February 10, 2009, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, attorneys for torture victims abused in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere in Iraq asked the federal Court of Appeals for the District of...
February 9, 2009, New York – In response to the position Obama’s Justice Department took today in a key rendition case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, Mohamed et al v...