Lawmaker-corporate lobbyist deliberations and drafting of laws violate state’s Open Meeting Law, groups say November 15, 2022, Phoenix, AZ – Today, a coalition of grassroots organizations and legal...
Versión en español a seguir September 22, 2022, New York — A federal district court judge ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Tuesday to search the records of former Trump...
August 10, 2022, San Diego, CA — On Friday, August 5, a district court judge ruled in Al Otro Lado v. Mayorkas that the government’s turnback policy — its practice of systematically rejecting asylum...
August 2, 2022, New York – In response to the U.S. government’s extrajudicial killing of Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: More...
In rare move after courts denied justice, BOP provides funds for six men who were abused, racially and religiously profiled July 5, New York – In a rare move, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has...
[Español abajo] April 27, 2022, Washington, D.C. – Four sanctuary leaders – Vicky Chávez, María Chavalán Sut, Edith Espinal, and Hilda Ramírez – along with Austin Sanctuary Network (ASN), Free...
Twenty years later, men who were religiously and racially profiled seek damages from warden who allowed abuse February 16, New York – A group of Muslim, Arab, and South Asian men rounded up after 9/...
Suit with national implications says lawmakers violated Arizona’s Open Meeting Law when they attended closed corporate conference February 15, 2022, Phoenix, AZ – Today, the Arizona Court of Appeals...
New report on world’s largest detention system shows policies designed to punish immigrants spread coronavirus and how system degrades and dehumanizes people February 3, 2022 — ICE detention...
FOIA lawsuit seeks records improperly withheld by U.S. government after it mistreated Black immigrants October 13, 2021, New York ‒ Civil rights organizations today filed a Freedom of Information Act...