New Asylum Ban Should Not Apply to Those Turned Back at Ports of Entry September 26, 2019, San Diego – Today, immigrant rights attorneys moved to block the Trump administration’s Asylum Ban from...
Excessive and Retaliatory Fines Target Sanctuary Seekers and Activists September 20, 2019, New York, NY – Austin Sanctuary Network, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Free Migration Project, and...
Request Preliminary Injunction for Duration of Lawsuit September 10, 2019, New York, NY – Community organizations suing the Trump administration over its proposed “public charge” rule today filed a...
September 9, 2019, Oakland, CA — A federal court has reinstated a nationwide injunction blocking a Trump administration asylum ban that denied asylum to anyone at the southern border who had...
Rescinding Approved Visas Is Part of Broader Anti-Muslim, Anti-Immigrant Agenda, Attorneys Say September 5, 2019, San Francisco – The Center for Constitutional Rights sued the Trump administration...
Litigation seeks a permanent injunction to block rule from taking effect, and marks the 6th lawsuit to be filed across the nation August 27, 2019, New York – Community organizations filed a lawsuit...
August 14, 2019, New York – In response to the Trump administration’s new proposed rule, Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause’s Religious Exemption, which would...
Call Rule “Cruel, Racist, and Patently Unlawful” August 12, 2019, New York – In response to the Department of Homeland Security’s publication of a new regulation, “Inadmissibility on Public Charge...
Juez niega la moción del gobierno para desestimar la demanda radicada en nombre de quienes solicitan asilo 30 de julio, 2019, Los Ángeles – Un tribunal federal de distrito ha rechazado el segundo...
July 24, 2019, San Francisco — This evening, a federal court blocked a new Trump administration asylum ban that categorically denied asylum to anyone at the southern border who had transited through...