Human Rights Watch official’s deportation order comes just over a week after CCR’s Executive Director and Board Chair were both detained and deported May 8, 2018, New York, NY – In response to the...
Trip planned to witness human rights situation in Israel and Palestine May 1, 2018, Tel Aviv and New York – Vincent Warren , executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and...
We, the members of the Bertha Justice Network, a global network of human rights and movement lawyering organizations working in pursuit of social justice, are observing with the greatest concern the...
March 9, 2018, Olympia, WA – Today, a Washington State court ended a seven-year litigation battle against former volunteer board members of the Olympia Food Co-op over their decision to boycott...
Students Argue for Urgent Relief to Be Able to Advocate for Palestinian Rights on Campus January 3, 2018, New York, NY – Today, Fordham students denied permission by their university to start a...
Current Co-op Board Weighs in, Saying Case Should Be Dismissed December 19, Olympia, WA – Today, attorneys at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) called for a Washington State court to end a...
December 5, 2017, New York – In response to reports that the Trump administration plans to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following...
Nueva evidencia es parte crítica de una demanda colectiva que acusa a los EE.UU. de prácticas ilegales 14 de noviembre 2017, Los Ángeles – Hoy, el grupo Al Otro Lado de defensa de los derechos de...
Newly-Filed Evidence Bolsters Lawsuit Charging Illegal U.S. Practices Nov.14, 2017, Los Angeles – Today, an immigrant rights group, Los Angeles-based Al Otro Lado, and six asylum seekers filed a...
November 8, 2017 – The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), Access Now, Center for Constitutional Rights, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), CORE,...