Temporary restraining order seeks to safeguard rights during October 7 National March to Protect Trans Youth September 29, 2023 – Today, a group of trans and non-binary people asked a federal court...
U.S. responsible for thousands of Afghans who face arbitrary detention, brutal treatment, legal limbo August 30, 2023, New York – Today, two years after the U.S. government ended its 20-year war in...
Fifth Circuit Ruling Confirms State Must Stop Making People Convicted Under Law Register as Sex Offenders April 11, 2023, New Orleans – Today, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit...
Demand for confidential info threatens attorney-client privilege, freedom of association, religious freedom, orgs say March 22, 2023, Lafayette, LA – Three local immigrant rights organizations are...
For Sunshine Week, Open Records Project Adds FOIA tools March 15, New York – Today, to mark Sunshine Week, the Center for Constitutional Rights unveiled two new resources to help activists access...
Transgender Woman’s lawsuit sought to hold Georgia prison officials liable for failing to protect her from sexual assault, denying care January 19, 2023, Macon, GA – In response to Ms. Diamond’s...
Lawmaker-corporate lobbyist deliberations and drafting of laws violate state’s Open Meeting Law, groups say November 15, 2022, Phoenix, AZ – Today, a coalition of grassroots organizations and legal...
Ashley Diamond Home at Last August 9, 2022 – Ashley Diamond, a Black transgender woman who has twice sued the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) for refusing to protect her from sexual assault...
August 2, 2022, New York – In response to the U.S. government’s extrajudicial killing of Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: More...