Oral Argument in Aref v. Garland


Add to My Calendar Monday, October 18, 2021 9:30am


On Monday, October 18, 2021, join the Center for Constitutional Rights for an appellate argument in the D.C. Court of Appeals in the case Aref v. Garland. This case was filed in the U.S District Court for the District of Columbia to challenge policies and practices at two experimental "Communications Management Units" (CMUs) in Terre Haute, Indiana, and Marion, Illinois, designed to isolate certain prisoners from the rest of the prison population and the outside world. The case is part of the Center for Constitutional Rights’ broader efforts to challenge mass incarceration, Muslim profiling, discrimination, and abusive prison policies. More information about the case is available here.  

The first argument begins at 9:30 a.m. ET, and Aref will be the third case to be argued. The audio from the oral argument will be livestreamed on the D.C. Court of Appeals' YouTube Channel — the audio can be streamed in real-time here.

Last modified 

October 6, 2021